Is my signature necessary with all filings?

Yes, please note that all filings require an original signature, signed in ink and mailed or delivered to the Commissioner’s Office. Unfortunately, digital signatures and copies of signatures are not allowed at this time for recording.

What is the deadline for filing an Inventory?

For Estates and Conservatorships, the Inventory is due within four (4) months from the date of qualification as an Executor/Administrator/Conservator.

For Trustees, the Inventory is due four months from the date the Trust is funded.

What is the deadline for filing the first Account?

For an Executor or Administrator, the first annual account is due within 16 months from the date of qualification as an Executor/Administrator. Subsequent accounts are filed annually, beginning with the ending date of the prior account.

For a Trustee, the first annual account is due by May 1 of the year following the date the Trust is funded. The account starts at the date of funding and ends on 12/31 of that same year. Subsequent trust accounts shall cover each calendar year and are due by May 1 of the following year.

For a Conservator, the first annual account is due within 6 months from the date of qualification as a Conservator. The first conservatorship account covers a 4-month period starting from the date of qualification as a fiduciary. Second and subsequent conservatorship accounts are filed annually beginning with the ending date of the prior account and cover a 12-month period. The annual conservatorship account is due four months from the end of the prior period.

NOTE: Instruction for filing a final account is in the Forms section of this website.

Do I need to send originals of supporting documentation (i.e. bills, bank statements, receipts, etc.) or will copies suffice?

Copies of supporting documentation are preferable to originals. After the audit is complete, supporting documentation is typically shredded. If you are unable to provide copies and require the documents to be returned, please notify our office that you will make arrangements to either retrieve the documents or pay postage for their return. Please do not send supporting documentation in notebooks as it may delay the audit procedure.

Do I need to send a filing fee check with a filing?

No, you do not need to include a check with each filing as the Commissioner’s office will calculate the fee and send an invoice to you after receipt of each filing.  The calculation of the filing fees is based on the Uniform Fee Schedule Guidelines for Commissioners of Accounts Approved by the Supreme Court of Virginia Effective January 1, 2023, adopted by this Court by Order entered November 18, 2022. A copy of the Uniform Fee Schedule for Commissioners of Accounts is in the Forms section of this website.  Along with the fee to the Commissioner’s Office, there is a recording fee owed to the Circuit Court Clerk’s Office.

Can I be compensated for my services as fiduciary?

Yes, if you have met your fiduciary duties and requested fiduciary compensation, you are eligible for fiduciary compensation. Fiduciary compensation must be approved before payment is made. Fiduciary compensation is typically approved as part of the closure of the estate and the filing of the final account. The Fiduciary Compensation Schedule is in the Forms section of this website. Such fee schedule is based on the Guidelines for Fiduciary Compensation located at the Appendix of Chapter 21 of the Manual of Commissioners of Accounts, published here: https://cdn.ymaws.com/vaccoa.com/resource/resmgr/docs/comm_accounts_2019_ebook.pdf.

Will I receive confirmation when an inventory or account is filed and received?

Yes, after a filing is received by the Commissioner’s office, an invoice for approval and filing fees will be sent within approximately 30 days of receipt. Invoices are sent via the email address(es) provided at qualification.

If you have filed an Inventory, please retain a copy of the Inventory for your records as you will need it to prepare the Account. Other than the invoice, you will not be contacted regarding the Inventory unless there are questions or concerns. Please note the Commissioner’s office is statutorily required to hold Inventories for 21-days before such inventory can be filed with the Court.

Accounts are audited in the order received. You will be contacted if the auditor has questions. For Final Accounts, please do NOT make final distribution unless the auditor has confirmed your proposed distributions. Instructions for final accounts are on the Forms page of this website. The Commissioner’s Office will send you notice via email once the account has been audited and approved.