Each Circuit Court appoints a Commissioner of Accounts to provide general supervision of fiduciaries within the Court’s jurisdiction. See Va. Code § 64.2-1200. Fiduciaries who qualify in the Albemarle Circuit Court are under the review of the Albemarle County Commissioner of Accounts.

The Commissioner of Accounts has oversight over the following types of fiduciaries (i.e., those managing another’s money under the authority of the Court):

  • Executors and Administrators of Estates,

  • Trustees of Testamentary Trusts,

  • Guardians of the Estate of a Minor,

  • Conservators of incapacitated adults, and

  • Trustees administering non-judicial foreclosures.

Each fiduciary is required to account for assets under his, her, or their control by timely filing an approvable inventory, account, and/or other forms and documentation with the Office of the Commissioner of Accounts. The oversight of the Office of the Commissioner of Accounts includes the review, audit, and approval (if satisfactory) of fiduciary filings, as well as the reporting of the failure of a fiduciary to meet fiduciary duties. See Va. Code § 64.2-1216. 

This website includes general information about the processes and procedures of the Office of the Commissioner of Accounts for the Albemarle Circuit Court. Information provided on this website may not apply to the estate you are administering and it is not offered as legal advice.

Commissioner of Accounts for Albemarle County Circuit Court in Virginia